There is general agreement that public education is South Africa is a failure. One after the other research project confirms this, and even the minister of Basic Education acknowledges it. In the budget speech of 2011 Mrs Angie Motshekga, Minister of Basic Education, has announced bold plans to fix public education. This leaves parents with the question whether they should patiently wait for the minister to fix public education, or should...
4097 Hits
In Januarie 2017 is die nuus oorheers deur berigte oor tienduisende leerders wat nie in skole geplaas kon word nie. Op internet besprekingsgroepe en die media het dit tot die vraag gelei of tuisonderrig nie dalk 'n oplossing vir die probleem is nie. Volgens die 2011 sensus was daar destyds 57 000 tuisleerders in Suid-Afrika. Teen 'n groei van 10% per jaar kan daardie getal in 2017 al byna 100 000...
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