Hits: 46482
'n Epos besprekingsgroep met meer as 1000 lede waar ouers wat tuisonderwys gee allerhande kwessies met mekaar kan bespreek en vrae kan vra. Hierdie poslys word gemodereer deur Karin van Oostrum. An interactive mailing list of almost 1000 members where you can discuss homeschooling issues with other parents. This mailing list is moderated by Karin van Oostrum.
Hits: 1312
This group is for information, discussion and support on everything that affects educational freedom and makes it possible to educate your children in the manner your family chooses.
Hits: 995
The purpose of this group is to encourage and support parents who educate their children at home.
Hits: 1083
Youtube channel with interviews with a variety of experienced home educators on a variety of topical subjects. An initiative of the homeschool ambassadors of South Africa.
Hits: 27236
Facebook group for Christian homeschoolers
Hits: 809
The purpose of this group is to encourage and support parents who educate their children at home.
Hits: 24221
'n Geslote groep spesifiek vir Christen Afrikaanssprekende "unschoolers", alhoewel die meeste lede eerder "relaxed homeschoolers" as ware unschoolers is. In die beskrywing word onder andere genoem: "Vir mense wat reeds die tuisonderwys pad stap maar nie (meer) kurrikulums wil gebruik nie."
Hits: 3417
I see homeschool moms and dads looking for friends for their kids all the time. Those posts get lost in the big groups. Hierdie groep is spesifiek om maatjies te soek. In jou area, ouderdomsgroep en met dieselfde belangstellings as jou kinders.
Hits: 3139
Do you know of a great outing for home-schoolers? Field trips that are informative, educational, or just plain fun? Have you organised an outing and would like to invite other home-schoolers along?
Hits: 2289
This is a group for people who are, or are interested in finding out about homeschooling a child with special needs. A place to chat and support each other.
Hits: 866
Home Education advice for black families opting to educate their children outside of mainstream education. This platform provides advice and support to families of Black African descent.
Hits: 1951
Ander tuisskool vriende is welkom mekaar hier ondersteuning te bied, vrae te vra en raad te deel. "Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand"
Hits: 1700
Hierdie blad onderskryf die Pestalozzi Trust en die Vereeniging vir Tuisonderwys. Die Tuisskool Forum is gestig sodat tuisskolers met mekaar inligting rondom tuisskoling kan deel. Hier ondersteun ons mekaar op die wonderlike pad van tuisskoling. As jy dus 'n behoefte het deel dit gerus.
Hits: 1004
A closed Facebook group. A place to ask questions, get help, advice, support and contacts for supportive professionals when you and your ex are not in agreement about homeschooling the children. Separated, divorced, in the process, never married to the other parent..whatever your relationship status, you are welcome.
Hits: 1097
Tuisonderrig vir kinders buite die boks!
Hits: 521
Pinterest bord oor tuisonderwys in Afrikaans deur Marisa Haasbroek.
Hits: 955
Facebook page on homeschooling autistic children or operate a learning centre for autistic children.
Hits: 819
Facebook community of Muslim Homeschooling families
Hits: 746
A forum to provide useful information pertaining to home education
Hits: 921
This group is essentially for South African homeschooling families to share info about the high school years. Whether IGCSE, AS, A Levels, USA GED® &/or SAT or SA Matric, let's help each other out.