
Is tuisonderrig die oplossing vir oorvol skole?

In Januarie 2017 is die nuus oorheers deur berigte oor tienduisende leerders wat nie in skole geplaas kon word nie. Op internet besprekingsgroepe en die media het dit tot die vraag gelei of tuisonderrig nie dalk 'n oplossing vir die probleem is nie. Volgens die 2011 sensus was daar destyds 57 000 tuisleerders in Suid-Afrika. Teen 'n groei van 10% per jaar kan daardie getal in 2017 al byna 100 000...

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Staat neem volle beheer oor onderwys

School Indoctrination

As daar ooit ’n jaar is waarop ouers en kinders vryheid in onderwys verloor, dan is dit 2014. Publieke skole verloor vryheid om handboeke te kies, leerlinge verloor vryheid om vakke te kies, verpligte skoolbywoning word uitgebrei, laste op privaatskole word verhoog en die nasionale kurrikulum word uitgebrei tot geboorte. Al hierdie veranderinge is aangekondig deur die minister van basiese onderwys, sonder dat enigiemand veel van ’n bohaai gemaak het. Publieke...

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Legal & Research

Research on Home Education

Research on home education consistently proves that home learners

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Homeschooling and the law

Home schooling was recognized in 1996 in the SA Schools Act.

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History of homeschooling in SA

History of home education in South Africa (Wikipedia article)

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Learning centre overview

Homeschool, micro-school, learning centre, unregistered private

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Start a Learning Centre

Important considerations when starting a learning centre

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Find a learning centre

There are various ways to find learning centres. Since there is

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Homeschool ABC



Popular homeschooling approaches and styles ...

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5 Easy steps to start homeschooling ...

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How to choose a curriculum for your family ...

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Homeschool Family blogs

Blogs by homeschooling families that share their experiences and ...


Tutors provide additional support to homeschooling parents. ... ...

Support Groups

Forums where parents and learners discuss issues with each other and ...

Assessment Tools

Homeschoolers make use of a variety of formal and informal ...


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SAHomeschoolers.Org is an independent website that promotes home ...

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