The discussions have continued in the same positive spirit as the first day. From the side of the homeschoolers, Bouwe van der Eems and Marie Kuhlmann gave a presentation on "What do homeschoolers from the state?". After this there were a number of presentations on open learning and assesment. The last speaker was Dr. Trevor Coombe from the Department of Basic Education (DBE). He gave an overview of the main points...
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As daar ooit ’n jaar is waarop ouers en kinders vryheid in onderwys verloor, dan is dit 2014. Publieke skole verloor vryheid om handboeke te kies, leerlinge verloor vryheid om vakke te kies, verpligte skoolbywoning word uitgebrei, laste op privaatskole word verhoog en die nasionale kurrikulum word uitgebrei tot geboorte. Al hierdie veranderinge is aangekondig deur die minister van basiese onderwys, sonder dat enigiemand veel van ’n bohaai gemaak het. Publieke...
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