Tuisonderwys word dikwels voorgestel as ’n baie duur vorm van onderwys, aangesien een van die ouers sal moet ophou werk. Indien egter die koste verbonde daaraan dat beide ouers in ’n gesin buite die huis werk in ag geneem word, is tuisonderwys egter nie noodwendig so duur nie. Hierdie kostes sluit in belasting, skoolgelde, skoolklere, toesig oor die kinders na die skool, vervoer van kinders na en van die skool, sakgeld...
12104 Hits
Having attended the court case on the enforceability of the curriculum, I was struck again by the injustice of citizens being forced to expend such vast amounts of money, time and energy simply to be allowed their explicitly stated constitutional rights and freedoms. Having thought about the arguments presented to the court over two days, I also considered the possible consequences for homeschoolers.It seems to me that there are likely outcomes,...
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