
OUR MISSION : Empowering parents to choose the best education for their children. LOCKDOWN EDUCATION : Click here for tips on education during lockdown.

SAHomeschoolers.Org is an independent website that promotes home education in general and is not associated with any specific curriculum or homeschool Read more

Homeschool ABC



Popular homeschooling approaches and styles ...

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5 Easy steps to start homeschooling ...

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How to choose a curriculum for your family ...

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Tuisskool, mikroskool, huisskool, hulpsentrum, leersentrum, ongeregistreerde privaatskool, -en lae-tariefskool is egter almal verskillende terme wat gebruik word vir ’n sterk groeiende nuwe verskynsel in die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysomgewing. Dit is naamlik (meestal) klein onafhanklike of privaatskole wat bedryf word deur ’n klein groepie entrepreneurs, ouers, oud-onderwysers of vrywilligers. Indien u 'n leersentrum wil begin, kan u die stappe volg wat onder beskryf word.

  1. Sluit aan by die Pestalozzi Trust : Volgens art. 29(3) van die grondwet het almal die reg om 'n onafhanklike opvoedkundige instelling te vestig en te bedryf wat geregistreer is by die staat. Ongelukkig maak provinsiale owerhede dit moeilik om te registreer deur te vereis dat daar aan allerhande moeitevolle en onwettige voorwaardes voldoen moet word. Die Pestalozzi Trust verskaf advies oor hoe om die registrasieproses te hanteer en hoe om konflik tussen die skool en die owerhede te vermy, sodat u kan fokus daarop om die leersentrum aan die gang te kry en te bedryf.|

  2. Sluit aan by die Leersentrum Poslys : Indien u ’n leersentrum bedryf, of leersentrums ondersteun, en boodskappe van ouers wil ontvang, moet u adres op die Leersentrum Poslys gelaai word. Om u adres toe te voeg tot die Leersentrum Poslys, stuur ’n boodskap aan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Hierdie diens word kosteloos verskaf. Die poslys is vertroulik en sal nie met derdepartye versprei word nie.

  3. Vind 'n Kurrikulumverskaffer : Daar is kurrikulumverskaffers wat opvoedkundige materiaal en ondersteuningsdienste verskaf aan leersentrums.

Legal & Research

Research on Home Education

Research on home education consistently proves that home learners

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Homeschooling and the law

Home schooling was recognized in 1996 in the SA Schools Act.

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History of homeschooling in SA

History of home education in South Africa (Wikipedia article)

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Learning centre overview

Homeschool, micro-school, learning centre, unregistered private

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Start a Learning Centre

Important considerations when starting a learning centre

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Find a learning centre

There are various ways to find learning centres. Since there is

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Homeschool Family blogs

Blogs by homeschooling families that share their experiences and ...


Tutors provide additional support to homeschooling parents. ... ...

Support Groups

Forums where parents and learners discuss issues with each other and ...

Assessment Tools

Homeschoolers make use of a variety of formal and informal ...


Welcome / Welkom

SAHomeschoolers.Org is an independent website that promotes home ...

Q & A

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