Research Support
In terms of numbers, South Africa features in the top five homeschooling countries in the world. In the USA, home education is the fastest growing form of education, and this is probably the case in South Africa as well. This makes home education an important field for research.
The Association for Homeschooling would like to encourage universities to do research on home education, and with this message we are offering our assistance to researchers. The association can assist with research on home education through the following means:
- Since a very small percentage of homeschooling families are registered, there is no single database with details of such families. However, the association can reach many parents that have joined our website ( The association is also subscribed to homeschooling discussion forums and facebook groups. Through these channels we can probably reach thousands of homeschooling families and forward requests to take part in research.
- The association maintains a list of research done on home education in South Africa on it’s website. (Available under the “Legal” option on the main menu)
- The association would like encourage that researchers join the International Center for Home Education Research ( in order to get access to a large repository of international research on the subject.
Anybody that would like to make use of our assistance they can contact the Association for Homeschooling at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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