In die 2012 begrotingstoespraak het die minister van Basiese onderwys weereens haar verbintenis tot die Intergeloof godsdiens bevestig toe sy sê : “A vital component of our strategy is working with partners in the private sector, higher education, NGOs, traditional leadership, interfaith organizations and broader society.” In die begrotingsrede van 2011 het die minister alreeds die band bevestig tussen die Departement van Basiese Onderwys en die Intergeloof beweging toe sy gesê...
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A mentally handicapped child may have different needs that make it difficult to learn in a traditional classroom environment. Many children who are disabled cannot keep up with the pace of a traditional classroom. They may get lost. When a child falls behind, it can be very difficult for them to catch up. In a homeschooling environment, the parent can customize the curriculum to allow their child to blossom. They can...
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