The German Consulate recently arranged an event where Germans and South-Africans could celebrate the constitutions of these two countries. Parents in South Africa can certainly celebrate the freedom that they received with the acceptance of a new constitution in South Africa in 1994. According to the South African constitution, children have the right to parental care. Parental care also includes the transfer of values, because it is your values that determine...
Tuisskolers sal onthou dat Tina van Deventer, tuisskoolma van Pretoria en lid van die Pestalozzi Trust, al etlike jare lank saam met die BCVO en die CVO Skool Pretoria, betrokke is by ‘n hofsaak teen die Minister van Onderwys. Hierdie saak kom uiteindelik voor die hof. Die uiteindelike doel van die hofsaak is om die minister te verhoed om die staatskurrikulum op private skole en tuisonderwys af te dwing. GRONDWETLIKE BEPALINGS...
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