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pdf 1996 - Natal Witness 7 Oct Popular

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1996 - Natal Witness 7 Oct.pdf

An article written by Leendert van Oostrum published in the Natal Witness in October 1996. It was written before the SA Schools Act was not yet promulgated and was being considered by parliament. The arguments against the bill are very similar to the arguments against the BELA Bill in 2017. It seems that the Department of Education has learned nothing in more than 21 years.

pdf 2010 Letter to German Embassy Popular

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Letter to German embassy on the Romeike family that received political asylum in the USA, because of the persecution of homeschooling families in Germany.

pdf 2010 Letter US Embassy Popular

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Letter of appreciation to the US Embassy on the granting of political asylum to the Romeike family.

pdf 2015 - Vaalweekblad 30 Sep Popular

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Vaalweekblad-30 Sep 2015.pdf

Artikel oor tuisonderwys in Suid-Afrika en die Meintjies gesin wat tronkstraf gedien het in 1993 vir tuisonderwys.

audio 2018 - Interview on home education policy on Radio 786 with Megan Puchert Popular

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2018 - Interview on home education policy on Radio 786 with Megan Puchert

Interview on home education policy on Radio 786 with Megan Puchert on 2 August 2018.

audio 2018 - Interview on home education policy on SAFM with Megan Puchert Popular

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Interview with Megan Puchert on SAFM.m4a

Interview on home education policy on SAFM with Megan Puchert on 3 August 2018

pdf Booklet on Home Education by Department of Basic Education Popular

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Home Education Pamphlet by DBE.pdf

Booklet on Home Education by the Department of Basic Education. This booklet is not based in the 1999 policy on Home Education. It was published in 2018 and distributed to homeschooling parents before an revised Policy on Home Education was promulgated.

pdf Concerns of the home education movement in South Africa Popular

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Concerns of the home education movement in South Africa.pdf

Concerns of the home education movement in South Africa

This document was compiled by the Pestalozzi Trust and is a summary of the concerns of the homeschooling movement on proposed new legislation and policy by the South African government. It was compiled to provide guidance to homeschooling parents that have meetings with Members of Parliament to educate them on home education.

pdf E Library for Cottage Schools Popular

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E-Library General info Cottage School (V2).pdf

E Library for Cottage Schools

E Library is an electronic library. This is a special offering for cottage schools.

video Homeschooling at Risk Carte Blanche M Net Popular

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Homeschooling at Risk   Carte Blanche   M Net

For years, thousands of parents have chosen to take their children out of mainstream public and private schools, for the benefit of learning and teaching at home. Now a new bill could change the face of home education, giving the state more power to dictate how homeschooling should be done. Carte Blanche explores this changing landscape.

This program was broadcast in Feb 2019

pdf Model shares benefits of home schooling Popular

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Homeschooling Argus.pdf

Article in Cape Argus about Suné Botes that is a successful entrepreneur because she was home schooled.

pdf Sunday Times - 2 June 2019 Popular

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Sunday Times 7 June 2019.pdf

Sunday Times - 2 June 2019

On 2 June 2019, the Sunday Times dedicated it's feature called "The Big Debate" to the subject of home education. The feature consisted of a article by Elijah Mhlanga from the Department of Basic Education, Anelle Burger from Cape Home Educators and Bouwe van der Eems from SAHomeschoolers.Org.

audio Voice of the Cape - November 2018 Popular

By 366 downloads

Voice of the Cape - November 2018

Radio interview on home education with Anelle Burger from Cape Home Educators on Voice of the Cape on the 17 November 2018

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Research on Home Education

Research on home education consistently proves that home learners

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Homeschooling and the law

Home schooling was recognized in 1996 in the SA Schools Act.

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History of homeschooling in SA

History of home education in South Africa (Wikipedia article)

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