"It is clear that home schooling was fundamental to civilisation as the only form of education for many years. Parents had a unique right to and responsibility for their children's education. Once state schools were established in the late nineteenth century, they took over the parents' unique position. But, as the inadequacies and shortcomings of education systems gradually became obvious, parents increasingly began re-claiming their rights as primary educators." This extract...
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(English below) Die Pestalozzi Trust het navrae van sy lede ontvang oor die vraag in verband met tuisonderwys op die sensusvorm. Die vraag is: “Moet ‘n mens sê jy tuisskool of nie?” Die Pestalozzi Trust beveel aan dat tuisskoolouers eerlik moet invul dat hulle tuisonderwys doen, en wel om die volgende redes:1) Dit kan nie tot vervolging lei nie. Die inligting is vertroulik en mag nie aan enige ander organisasies bekend...
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