Various homeschool organisations have been invited to meetings with the Department of Basic Education (DBE) on 9 and 10 October to discuss changes to regulations and policies on home education. The following organisations will represent homeschooling parents during these meetings: Association for Homeschooling (Bouwe van der Eems, Shaun Green )Cape Home Educators (Johan Heckroodt, Linda Heckroodt)Eastern Cape Homeschool Association (Marie Kuhlmann)Gauteng Association for Homeschooling (Jacs Lemmer)KZN Association for Homeschooling (Elize van der...
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Die Pestalozzi Trust het 2014 begin met ‘n publikasie getiteld : “Onweerswolke dreig vir tuisonderwys”. Hierdie artikel beskryf die ontwikkeling van toenemende samewerking tussen drie partye wat op die lange duur tuisonderwys drasties sal inperk. Die drie partye is die staat, onderwysvakbonde en institusionele beleggers. Heelwat het hierdie jaar gebeur wat bevestig dat die bekommernisse van die Pestalozzi Trust geldig is, insluitende die beoogde drakoniese regulasies oor tuisonderwys van die Departement...
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