According to the SA Education Report 2008, South Africa spends more than 5% of its Gross National Products (GDP) on education. This is above the world average. This excludes the spending on private education. In international measurements of the quality of South African education, South Africa came last in the group of 40 countries that were included in the research. The education report states : "ALL international studies in which SA...
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Tuisonderwys word dikwels voorgestel as ’n baie duur vorm van onderwys, aangesien een van die ouers sal moet ophou werk. Indien egter die koste verbonde daaraan dat beide ouers in ’n gesin buite die huis werk in ag geneem word, is tuisonderwys egter nie noodwendig so duur nie. Hierdie kostes sluit in belasting, skoolgelde, skoolklere, toesig oor die kinders na die skool, vervoer van kinders na en van die skool, sakgeld...
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