


Dynamic Learning offers Mathematics video tutorials for grades 10 to 12.


Designed by educational professionals and psychologists, with two decade of experience, DL Maths considers a child’s individual learning style and cognitive ability in order to create study material that is not only easy to learn, but easy to understand.


DL Maths take visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learning styles into consideration and produces not only step-by-step video lessons broken down into small easy to learn sections, but also includes exercises for each chapter, detailed memos of how to tackle each individual question and summary notes covering everything any student will need to complete their course successfully. Furthermore, DL maths provides students with questions taken from past examination papers and detailed memorandums of how to tackle these questions.


We are offering a 75% off promotion on our grade 10 material for 2024.


For more details about us, and this promotion, visit our website at www.dlmaths.com


Watch our free videos on our YouTube channel at @dlmaths.


Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Syllabis Learning strives to be the leading provider of Standards-based homeschooling solutions in South Africa for grades RR – 12. Our curriculum is a blended curriculum, meaning it comprises Traditional Textbooks, Internally generated and developed Study Guides and Assessment Materials, as well as rich, multimedia-based internet content. Whatever your home setup, Syllabis Home Education can accommodate you.

We specialize in the provision of cutting-edge Home Schooling solutions for the South African market. All of our content is written and developed by qualified teachers and curriculum experts.

Syllabis Home Education offers a refreshing new choice to the learner of the digital age. We have put together various blended learning solutions for grades R – 12. All of our solutions are fully compliant with the South African curriculum standards (CAPS).

Taking control of one’s education places the responsibility in the hands of both parents and learners alike. Our component-based learning plans empower students of all ages to successfully complete a home based education in a distance learning like environment. It's like having your own virtual school right in your hands. The curriculum consists of a blended mix between online lessons, textbooks, study plans and practical projects and assignments.

We see our role as assisting the parent/guardian/tutor in maintaining a high standard of education by standardization of the curriculum as well as presenting study material to the learner in a simple, concise and understandable way.

Please note that Syllabis Home Education is a registered distance learning organisation, advisor and curriculum provider to South African families looking for alternative education solutions for their children. Our solutions are flexible, affordable and of the highest quality.

Syllabis home-schooling offers a progressive schooling method, in which learners are educated at home instead of in traditional public or private schools where methods have hardly changed in over a century. The core idea of home-schooling/independent learning is the idea that children need to learn at the speed, and in the style, most appropriate for them. We offer courses from grade R to grade 12 at a reasonable price. If you are looking for more pricing information, please click HERE.

We are recognized by the Department of Education (DOE) and will help any student that registers with us with the registration with the DOE. If you want more information on this subject, please click HERE.

Syllabis home-schooling offers many benefits, such as the development of time management skills and critical thinking skills. When the learner is put in charge of their time management, they can think for themselves. Register today, and start your transition to learning on your own, in the comfort of your home.

If you wish to register with Syllabis, follow the link and complete the ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM.

We pride ourselves on great communication with our customers, please use the following details to get in touch:

Visit our website: homeschooling.syllabis.co.za
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Call Us: 087 150 9461 / 087 808 6972
Instagram URL: #syllabislearning




🚀 Elevate Your Child's Homeschooling Journey with The Learning Studio in Kuils River, Cape Town! 📚

Attention Busy Homeschooling Parents in Kuils River and beyond!

🌟 Are you juggling work and homeschooling? Are you looking for a learning centre that can support your child exactly the way you would at home? Discover the ultimate support system for your child's education at The Learning Studio – where learning meets innovation! 🎓✨

Why Choose The Learning Studio?

🔍 Expert Monitoring and Support: We stand by your child every step of the way, ensuring they grasp every concept. Our tutors are here to answer questions and provide guidance while they watch videos and complete activities.

🎯 Personalized Tutoring: If a topic feels tricky, our tutors jump in! We offer personalized tutoring sessions, ensuring your child fully understands every subject.

📚 Comprehensive Resources: We bridge knowledge gaps with tailored printed resources and engaging videos, making learning exciting and accessible.

Time Management Mastery: We teach essential time management skills, empowering your child to balance study and play effectively.

📝 Exam Prep Expertise: Prepare for exams with confidence! Our expert guidance helps your child study efficiently, ensuring they're ready to excel.

🔐 Think Digital Academy Exam Invigilation: For Think Digital Academy students, we provide a secure exam environment, ensuring integrity and fairness during tests.


Empower your child with the tools they need to thrive academically and beyond. Enroll now and watch them flourish! 🌱✨


Visit us on www.learning-studio.co.za or WhatsApp us on 0649149588 to enrol now


🚀 Unlock Your Child's Potential with The Learning Studio Online Courses! 📚

Read more: The Learning Studio


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Graad R – 11




Leerders ontvang weekliks lesse vir al die vakke met werkskaarte en lesmateriaal




In ons klaskamers is daar geleentheid vir vrae, sowel as ons Telegramgroepe per graad.


  Assesserings, rapporte & sertifikate


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Dumb Ox Learning offers Advanced Placement exams. (APs)

What are AP exams?

They are American exams offered by the College Board. Students in America and many other countries in the world sit these exams.

Why do AP exams?

United Kingdom
You've probably heard of A-levels.. they are similar to APs, in terms of university entrance, but their advantage is that APs are only one year course as opposed to two. For good UK universities you need 3 A Levels or 3 APs. As APs are only a one year course they are much more straightforward to do.

In the US you need APs to gain entry to highly selective colleges. Many US universities don't require APs, but if you have them your application will certainly look more impressive and you get college credit for them. So the standard is an AP gives you 3 college credits.

Other countries
Many other countries accept these exams for university entrance. The list on the College Board site of those that do is very long!

You may be enrolled in an on-line school, following a homeschool program or designing your own High School Diploma, and need other exam qualifications. Dumb Ox Learning offers full school year AP preparation classes to homeschool students.

APs are a great way to achieve qualifications for University entrance requirements, and also earn high school credits as honors courses.

Read more: Dumb Ox Learning



The A.C.E. programme is uniquely suited to home education, developing character in learners while learning is taking place.

The A.C.E. programme:

  • is Bible-based,
  • has a truly individualised approach,
  • is based on the principle of mastery learning,
  • nurtures your child’s unique talents,
  • has fully worked out modules,
  • is self-instructional and self-paced,
  • is suitable for the South African context,
  • includes online supplementary resources,
  • is available from Grades R-12.

The A.C.E. programme promotes:

  • character building – learners are taught not only how to make a living, but also how to live!
  • a love for learning – guiding individuals to achieve their full potential.
  • wholesome, traditional values are built into the learning process.
  • accountability – learners take responsibility for their own learning.
  • reasoning skills – learners learn to think creatively and problem-solve.
  • goal setting – a skill that sets them up for success throughout life.


A.C.E. - Where Academic Excellence and Character Matter!

Accelerate your child to their full potential in Christ by introducing them to the A.C.E. experience!

Get in touch with us today to find out more about our innovative education solutions at 087 820 4858 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Legal & Research

Research on Home Education

Research on home education consistently proves that home learners

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Homeschooling and the law

Home schooling was recognized in 1996 in the SA Schools Act.

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History of homeschooling in SA

History of home education in South Africa (Wikipedia article)

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Learning centre overview

Homeschool, micro-school, learning centre, unregistered private

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Start a Learning Centre

Important considerations when starting a learning centre

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Find a learning centre

There are various ways to find learning centres. Since there is

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Homeschool ABC



Popular homeschooling approaches and styles ...

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5 Easy steps to start homeschooling ...

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How to choose a curriculum for your family ...

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Homeschool Family blogs

Blogs by homeschooling families that share their experiences and ...


Tutors provide additional support to homeschooling parents. ... ...

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Homeschoolers make use of a variety of formal and informal ...


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SAHomeschoolers.Org is an independent website that promotes home ...

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