National Home Education Magazine is launched
A national home education magazine “Learning @ Home” was launched last month. The newsletter of the Cape Home Educators (CHE) was expanded to become national magazine. It is published quarterly and distributed in electronic format for free. Parents that prefer a hard copy can get this at R30 per copy plus postage.
At the start of the year the CHE committee decided to explore the possibility to make the magazine a national magazine, for the following reasons:
- If parents from all over the country can assist in providing their stories and news, it will make the task of the editor much easier to get articles and provide readers with a bigger variety.
- If the magazine can be distributed to a larger audience, it would create a valuable marketing channel for homeschooling suppliers, and the income from this can pay for the costs of creating the magazine.
The chairman of the CHE, Victor Sabbe, contacted the various homeschool associations in South Africa to find out whether they would be interested in becoming part of this initiative. The feedback from the other associations was overwhelmingly positive, and it was decided to go ahead with the first issue. This first issue was published in April 2014.
South African homeschooling parents are invited to send stories and news on home education in their area to the editor. By sharing their stories, parents can encourage other parents to start or persevere with their home education. It is also important that parents stay up to date the latest news on home education, so that the homeschooling community can stand together against the threats to home education that are becoming increasingly visible.
Homeschooling parents that have a story that they would like to share with other parents, or suppliers that would like to promote their products to the homeschooling community can contact the editor of “Learning @ Home” at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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