
Source : Tuisonderwys Mailing List


THIS is the BIG PUSH....


Every family and all their friends, neigbours, acquaintances and church groups are needed to take a public stand for the conscience of our children.

Take leave from work for the day if you have to!

On Tuesday, 13th November, while the special ministerial hearings on the curriculum are held in Parliament, there will be a march to parliament in Cape Town, and a demonstration on Church Square in Pretoria.

All the necessary permissions have been obtained by the organisers. These are lawful expressions of the will of the people.

This will not only be an opportunity for a civics lesson - it will probably be a historic day. Fifty years from now, your children may still tell their grand children of the time (or the first time!) that they stepped out for democracy and freedom in education.


The march in Cape Town will take place between 10:00 and 13:00, starting at the Cape Technicon. For particulars, contact Billy Baker or Rob Mc Cafferty on 021-689-4481 or e-mail acaction@....


For the demonstration in Pretoria, gather on Church Square from 10:00. The programme and handing over minutes of protest will be from 11:00 to 12:00. The Pretoria demonstration, since it will be stationary, should be very suitable for children to take part.

So, BRING YOUR SUPPORT GROUP, and make this a civics education field trip (Hmmm... picnick on the Square after the ceremony?).

Do NOT bring your own banners unless you clear the wording with Henri Slabbert first. Brain Line is sponsoring the manufacture of banners with language agreed to by the organisers, and will provide these at the square. (There may be a variety of organisations, and we do not want banners from one party to offend members of another party.)

When you get to the square, look for one or more banners relating to home education. You will find Henri Slabbert and other home schoolers there.

For more particulars, call Henri at 016 424 1098 or 083 271 4710.

MAKE THIS A MEMORABLE DAY ..... for Mr Asmal and for your family.

Please pray for the Minister of Education and pray that our demonstration will be effective.

Pass this message to your friends, colleagues, neighbours, and pastor.

Kind regards, Leendert

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