
OUR MISSION : Empowering parents to choose the best education for their children. LOCKDOWN EDUCATION : Click here for tips on education during lockdown.

SAHomeschoolers.Org is an independent website that promotes home education in general and is not associated with any specific curriculum or homeschool Read more

Homeschool ABC



Popular homeschooling approaches and styles ...

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5 Easy steps to start homeschooling ...

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How to choose a curriculum for your family ...

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Overview of BELA Bill provincial hearings 2023

And how you can help with what happens next. The provincial hearings regarding the BELA Bill this year have been a hotly debated rollercoaster-ride all around, with many interesting developments and opinions from various political parties, the PCBE, home educating parents, alumni, and even home educated children. This article will provide a summary of the main highlights, covering various groups’ reasons for protesting or supporting different aspects of the Bill, and...

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To regulate or not to regulate?

The question is often asked why government wants to regulate home education. Home education seems to work well and does not place any demands on the state. To the contrary, it saves money. Why can’t government not leave home educators alone? There are many possible reasons why government wants to regulate home education. Public interest, economic stability, equity, order, security, etc. Questions about the exact intentions of government with home education...

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Legal & Research

Research on Home Education

Research on home education consistently proves that home learners

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Homeschooling and the law

Home schooling was recognized in 1996 in the SA Schools Act.

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History of homeschooling in SA

History of home education in South Africa (Wikipedia article)

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Learning centre overview

Homeschool, micro-school, learning centre, unregistered private

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Start a Learning Centre

Important considerations when starting a learning centre

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Find a learning centre

There are various ways to find learning centres. Since there is

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Homeschool Family blogs

Blogs by homeschooling families that share their experiences and ...


Tutors provide additional support to homeschooling parents. ... ...

Support Groups

Forums where parents and learners discuss issues with each other and ...

Assessment Tools

Homeschoolers make use of a variety of formal and informal ...


Welcome / Welkom

SAHomeschoolers.Org is an independent website that promotes home ...

Q & A

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