
Academic Abilities Assessment

R 175,00 each
Academic Abilities Assessment Tests



(* Beskikbaar in Afrikaans)

The report from this 2–hour assessment gives marks to compare with what most people score, as well as suggestions on how to improve any of the academic abilities. The assessments are extracts of the Culture Fair Abilities and Motivation test on the HSRC list. This is a curriculum independent assessment.

Many abilities are involved in learning and doing exams. These include “thinking abilities” like reasoning, grouping information, and copying information correctly, and the ability to handle information in number, words, and symbol form.

Different test levels cover Grade R to Grade 12. Teacher or parent involvement is needed for lower Grades to ensure that instructions are understood.

An example of the   pdf Grade 3 to 12 (52 KB)  report you will receive is given.

Choose the test level(s) to add to your shopping cart.

Grades R to 2: The test identifies some aspects of school readiness and identifies abilities developed in pre-school. The Grade R to 2 report is slightly different from that for other Grades.

Grades 3-4: This indicates how well Foundation Phase work has developed abilities.

Grades 5-6: IQ testing was traditionally done at this time to give teachers the rest of Primary School to develop academic abilities, ready for High School.

Grades 7-8: Testing at the end of Primary School or the beginning of High School indicates which abilities still need to be developed to handle the different kinds of thinking needed in High School work.

Grade 9: The most popular use for the test is for subject choices. The Academic Abilities assessment is included in the Subject Choice assessment.

Grade 10: Testing at this stage indicates whether the testee would be better served to leave the academic stream to start work or do specific job training.

Grades 11-12: Testing indicates which academic abilities need to be strengthened to improve matric results and tertiary education results. The Academic Abilities assessment is included in the Career Choice assessment.

How does remote assessment work?

Parents place an order and make a payment for assessments on the SAHomeschoolers.Org shopping cart. On receipt of their order and payment, the relevant test material will be sent to them via email by Dr. Holman. The material will consist of supervisors' instructions (including any questions to be read out) the tests and an answer sheet/worksheet. Answers are being recorded on the answer/worksheet which is emailed to Dr. Holman for processing and interpretation. A report will be sent to parents within a week. Parents are welcome to contact Dr. Holman to discuss the report if they wish.

This assessment has been compiled by Dr. Louise Holman from the Holman Institute for Educational and Psychological Evaluation and Research. The evaluation and report will be administered by Dr. Holman.

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