'n Geslote groep spesifiek vir Christen Afrikaanssprekende "unschoolers", alhoewel die meeste lede eerder "relaxed homeschoolers" as ware unschoolers is. In die beskrywing word onder andere genoem: "Vir mense wat reeds die tuisonderwys pad stap maar nie (meer) kurrikulums wil gebruik nie."
Afrikaans Christelik Unschool
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Solutions for ALL - Coding and ...
Solutions for allCoding and RoboticsFoundation Phase Workbooks and ...
GED through Learnalot - Grade 12 ...
Why enrol with Learnalot? With Learnalot, you have the flexibility ...
Dynamic Learning - MATHS
Dynamic Learning offers Mathematics video tutorials for grades ...
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