Research on Home Education
Published on 28 January 2015 By Bouwe van der Eems 4520 downloads
High School exiting option for home-schoolers in South Africa.pdf
Home-schooling is an alternative to mainstream schooling where parents take responsibility for the education of their own children. This is an increasingly common choice for some who feel that they could better educate their child at home, choosing curricula of their choice that fits in with their family beliefs and values. However, the difficulty may come in securing a school leaver’s certificate for the child at the end of Grade 12, with which they may gain access into tertiary institutions for further study. In this study an online survey tool was used to gain empirical data from parents of home-schoolers, assessing the various curriculum paths they chose to educate their children. It was found that there are three possible exit strategies for South African home-schoolers which provide a National Senior Certificate, or equivalent. Furthermore, various delivery methods and pedagogical and presentation styles were identified. In addition, the costs incurred and the difficulties presented by various curriculum providers were explored. Finally the findings are summarized and recommendations are made for policy changes that will allow alternate access routes into tertiary institutions.
Published on 04 September 2024 By Bouwe van der Eems 77 downloads
Juridiese Aspekte van Tuisonderwys - PJ Visser.pdf
Artikel deur dr. PJ Visser oor die Juridiese aspekte van Tuisonderwys in 1998. Gepubliseer in Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins - Hollandse Reg (THRHR): Volume 61, 1998)
Published on 20 August 2024 By Bouwe van der Eems 69 downloads
Ramroop Report on the national research on home education in South Africa.pdf
Research paper by Dr. Renuka Ramroop from Learning Society Institute on the general demographics on Home Education.
Published on 27 February 2017 By Bouwe van der Eems 1216 downloads
CHE Survey 2014v2.pdf
The second survey of the Cape Home Educators on demographics, home education spend, curricula, extramural, activities, outreach activities, achievements & media exposure
Published on 27 February 2017 By Bouwe van der Eems 762 downloads
CHE Survey 2014v1.pdf
The CHE Committee did a survey on Home Educator Perceptions of South African and Western Cape Policy on Home Education.
Research on home education consistently proves that home learners
Home schooling was recognized in 1996 in the SA Schools Act.
History of home education in South Africa (Wikipedia article)
Homeschool, micro-school, learning centre, unregistered private
Important considerations when starting a learning centre
There are various ways to find learning centres. Since there is
Popular homeschooling approaches and styles ...
5 Easy steps to start homeschooling ...
How to choose a curriculum for your family ...
Blogs by homeschooling families that share their experiences and ...
Tutors provide additional support to homeschooling parents. ... ...
Forums where parents and learners discuss issues with each other and ...
Homeschoolers make use of a variety of formal and informal ...
Dynamic Learning offers Mathematics video tutorials for grades ...
The landscape of education has undergone significant ...
The A.C.E. programme is uniquely suited to home education, ...
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