Hits: 384
Verslag van Ronel van Rooyen oor hoe 'n spesifieke gesin tuisonderwys doen.
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Objectives: To establish: -The success rate of home-schooling in South Africa - What home schooling entails - Is it more beneficial for kids to be home -schooled? - If home schooled children are high achievers Guest: Gerald Williamson – Educationist “It Depends on the learner and as well as the tutor. It’s not a one size fits all situation. Not everyone who is homeschooled is a high achiever.” Guest: Mr Bouwe van der Eems – Chairman for Pestalozzi Trust (a legal defence association for civil and home education) “Yes they are. They perform better academically.” Case Study who was home schooled: Lesley Russells
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There are a number of misleading statements in the article, and the fact that the writer groups together home education, learning centres, tutor centres and cottage schools all under the heading "Home Schooling" results in an article which unfortunately would not be helpful for someone looking for proper information about home education. Karin van Oostrum has been quoted wrongly on an important matter.
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Discussion on whether the state should prescribe a curriculum to homeschooling parents on the program "Interface" on SABC 3 on 29 January 2017. Participants are Bouwe van der Eems of the Pestalozzi Trust, Moses Simelane from Dept. of Basic Education and Lara Ragpot from University of Johannesburg.
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This article was only published in the printed edition of November 2011. It is much more extensive that the article in 2010 and publishes a much larger variety of opinions.
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Article on a boy who made history by enrolling at the University of Pretoria at just 14 years old is quite comfortable with people older than himself. This was made possible by home education. The boy completed a matric through the Cambridge route.
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The article in Child Magazine is generally positive but explanation of the legal aspects is not accurate. See the reaction of the Association for Homeschooling under the comments.
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Johan van Lill praat met kurrikulumverskaffers Breinlein en Impaq oor tuisonderrig. Prof. Rita Nieman van Impaq gee ook 'n bietjie inligting oor hoe hulle saamwerk met die Dept. van Onderwys rondom die opstel van 'n nuwe beleid oor tuisonderrig.
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Radio interview on Cape Talk with Shirley Erwee on 27 Sep. 2017.
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A well researched article answering the most important questions about home education in Joy Magazine of October 2010.
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An article on the BELA Bill, highlighting the point that the bill will make home education unaffordable to parents, featuring Victor Sabbe from the Cape Home Educators. The title of the article is "Home-schooling 'only for rich"
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Deeglik nagevorste, oorwegend positiewe en baie uitgebreide artikel oor tuisonderwys met uittreksels van onderhoude met 'n wye verskeidenheid persone.
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'n Baie uitgebreide artikel met onderhoude met verskeie gesinne wat verskyn het in die April 2011 uitgawe van die JUIG tydskrif, en wat die onderwerp benader vanuit 'n Christelike perspektief.
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Transcription of interview with Samantha Langford (Chairman of the Kwazulu Natal Homeschooling Association) on Highway Christian Radio on 7 Oct. 2011.
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A cautious article published on March 2010 that acknowledges that homeschooling has some benefits, but it only quotes the opinion of a teacher that is fairly sceptical about homeschooling.
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General article about home education in the 17 November edition of the False Bay Echo by Michelle Saffer.
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Onderhoud met Leendert van Oostrum en Yvonne Adams met Johan van Lill op die program "Groeipyne" op RSG op 14 Maart 2013.
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Article by Leendert van Oostrum in the Natal Witness in October 1996. At this stage the SA Schools Act was not yet promulgated and was being considered by parliament. It is important to note that the arguments used against the SA Schools Bill are very similar to the arguments used against the BELA Bill in 2017. This means that the Department of Education has not learned anything about home education in 21 Years.
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Article with title "Home is where the learning is" by PENWELL DLAMINI. Generally positive article, but not very coherent.