There are a number of ways that homeschool learners can get a matric. The most popular form of matric is the academic matric. When it comes to the academic matric there are two choices, namely a South African matric or the Cambridge matric.
Through home education, learners can get a South African National Senior Certificate (NSC) through a number of curriculum suppliers. The duration of this is three years and costs are around R12 000 per year.
An increasing number of parents choose the Cambridge International Examination (CIE) matric, offered via Cambridge University. In South Africa, students can do two courses namely IGCSE and AS Levels. In broad terms, the Cambridge IGCSE qualificationis equivalent to a South AfricanGrade 11 and the Cambridge AS Level is equivalent to a South African Grade 12 (i.e. regularMatric ). This qualification is acknowledged by the matriculation board and can be use to get admission to university.
Apart from the academic matric, learners can also do an adult matric. There are plans to introduce such a matric in South Africa, but until this matric is available, many parents choose to make use of the American adult matric called the GED. This matric, together with SAT tests can also be used to get admission to university.
To read the complete article : Click here to register with the website and then Click here to open a guide about getting a matric through homeschooling.
Daar is verskillende maniere waarop tuisleerders 'n matriek kan verwerf. Die mees populere manier is die akademiese matriek. Hier is twee opsies, naamlik die Suid-Afrikaanse matriek en die Cambridge matriek.
Tuisleerders kan 'n Suid-Afrikaanse Senior Sertifikaat (NSS) deur 'n verskeidenheid kurrikulumverskaffers verwerf. Dit neem drie jaar en kos ongeveer R12 000 per jaar.
Meer en meer ouers kies die Cambridge International Examination (CIE) wat deur die Cambridge Universiteit aangebied word. In Suid-Afrika kan leerders twee kursusse doen, naamlik IGCSE and AS vlakke. In hooftrekke is die Cambridge IGCSE ekwivalent aan 'n Suid-Afrikaanse Graad 11 en 'n AS is ekwivalent aan 'n Graad 12. Hierdie kwalifikasie word erken deur die matrikulasieraad en kan gebruik word om toegang te kry tot universiteit.
Behalwe die akademiese matriek kan leerders ook 'n volwasse matriek doen. Daar is planne om so 'n matriek in Suid-Afrika in te voer, maar tot tyd en wyl kies baie ouers die Amerikaanse volwasse matriek wat GED genoem word. Hierdie matiek, saam met SAT toetse kan ook gebruik word om toegang te kry tot universiteit.
Vir die volledige artikel : Kliek hier om te registreer met hierdie webwerf en dan Kliek hier om die artikel te lees oor hoe om 'n matriek deur tuisonderwys te verwerf.
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